Here is a video of her refusing to blow out her candles, Enjoy!
lauramaynot & LMB Babywearing. Supporting and helping families and building community.
A close up of our sleeping boy comfy in his carrier.
Here he is in a sweet little sleeper that Grandma Gay bought for him. We wanted to bring him home from the hospital in it but it was too big. Now it finally fits!
Zwieba and Eliza in the kiddie pool.
Taking a break by the kiddie pool.
Zwieba and the kids pose with their gun party poppers.
Sarah takes it right in the noggin.
Eliza loves to pop the poppers.
The kids cool off in the blowing mist of the Geyser.
The kids sit on a petrified tree in the Petrified Forest.
Walking around the woods at 37 weeks pregnant, I felt like I should be wearing this sign.
The following post is a part of my blog series, The Best of TBW and was originally published on the Babywearing International Blog July 5, ...