September was especially busy This year. Sam turned 12 on the 17th. Zwieba's Grandma Sarah and Aunt Tessie came to visit us and see our baby, Ben. We had an eventful couple of days and really enjoyed their visit.

Here Sam is in his Wrestling gear. He wrestled for Petaluma Jr. High in the 74lb weight class. He did pretty well for his first season of participating in a sport. We were very proud of him!

Sam also advanced to 2nd class in scouts. His Great Grandpa Ben sent this special neckerchief to Sam to wear at his advancements. This neckerchief commerates a reenactment of the Death March that Ben participated in.

Grandma Sarah met her 5th great grand child while she was here. Here she is holding our sweet Benjamin...
On Sunday, September 21'st, we blessed Ben and Sam recieved the Aronic Priesthood. Here is Zwieba and the boys after church in our front yard.

Ben was an angel in his little white outfit...

All of us together for a picture.